Tomorrow is election day! If you haven’t returned your ballot yet, you can drop it off at the school on Tuesday, May 3rd from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. You can also drop it off at the Missoula Elections office at 140 North Russel St. from 8am to 5pm. Learn more about how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
over 2 years ago, Target Range School
Remember- there is No School tomorrow, Friday, April 29th. Also, don't forget to check out the Tiger News for this week!
over 2 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
If you plan to return your ballot by mail, please get it in a mailbox by 4pm on Tuesday, April 26th. Learn more on how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
over 2 years ago, Target Range School
A couple of reminders for next week: NO School for Kindergarten ONLY on Thursday, 4/28 NO School for ALL Students on Friday, 4/29. Please see the 4/22/22 Tiger News for all the latest updates and important information!
over 2 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
over 2 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
TR families, Last evening the Board of Trustees approved the 2022-2023 School Calendar. This calendar aligns with the MCPS High School calendar for 2022-2023 so that families with children in both districts have approximately the same start date, the same winter break and spring break, and approximately the same end date. However, we want to point out some significant differences from this year's school calendar so that you can plan ahead. --Students, including Kindergarten, will all begin school on Wednesday, August 31, a week later than this year's start date -- Winter break is only one and half weeks, from December 21 through January 1. School will resume on Monday, January 2 (MCPS high schools will not be in session on Monday, January 2). --Spring Break is March 20-24 (third full week, same as this year) --Last day of school for grades K-7 will be a half day on Friday, June 9 Please reach out to Superintendent Heather Davis Schmidt at or (406) 549-9239 if you have any questions or concerns.
over 2 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Class and Spring Pictures are coming up on this Friday, April 22. To order pictures, you can pick up order form at the front desk or go to and use the following codes to order: For class pictures, enter code: EVT4NG9Z6 For individual pictures, enter code: EVTT4J4G2
over 2 years ago, Megan O'Hern
Check out the Tiger News for 4/15/22!
over 2 years ago, Megan O'Hern
Tiger News
U.S. Department of Education data highlights the importance of preparing our students to understand that it is not only what you know, but what you can do with what you know. By incorporating technology in all classrooms, students are better prepared with the skills and knowledge to solve tough problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and make sense of information. As the number of technology jobs rise, we are committed to offering a variety of hands-on programs and technology rich instruction that set our students up for success. Learn more on how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
over 2 years ago, Target Range School
Missoula Area tech jobs
Missoula Area tech jobs
CORRECTION! ELECTION Day is Tuesday, May 3rd. That last message was sent in error.
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Tomorrow is election day! If you haven’t returned your ballot yet, you can drop it off at the school on Tuesday, May 3rd from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. You can also drop it off at the Missoula Elections office at 140 North Russel St. from 8am to 5pm. Learn more about how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Ballots will be mailed this week! Keep an eye on your mailbox for your ballot and make sure you return it in the mail by April 26th so it can be counted on time. Learn more on how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Kindergarten Round Up is scheduled for April 28, 2022. If you have a child entering kindergarten in the fall, please mark your calendar and plan to join us! Follow the link below to sign up for a time.
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
What happens if the Technology Levy doesn’t pass? The current levy of $20,000 will stay in place and your taxes will remain the same. If this measure is not approved, the District’s General Fund budget will still have to cover the current technology costs. Given our declining enrollment, the General Fund is going down too. That would result in the loss of software, hardware, and other digital tools teachers use for daily instruction. Learn more on how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Middle school students working on computers
Our high quality, technology rich instruction provides the following benefits: Students learn by engaging and applying concepts in a deeper and more thorough way Students integrate and apply carefully selected and meaningful content STEM activities are motivating, engaging, and real-world inspired Teamwork, collaboration, and communication is a major focus The teaching method is inquiry-based, process-focused, and student-centered Target Range is dedicated to supporting our students’ current and future growth. By including meaningful use of technology and STEM programs at all grade levels, our students are given the foundation for a lifelong love of learning and the skills to compete. Learn more on how the May 2022 Technology Levy, if passed, would maintain these programs:
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Three boys working on computers
Don't forget to sign your TR student up for the MCT play. Registration is open today through Friday, April 1st.
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
The Target Range Board of Trustees approved a $255,000/year 10-year technology levy for the May 3rd all-mail election. If passed, this technology levy would replace the old $20,000 technology levy passed in 2004. Since that time, our annual technology costs have grown to $367,500. If passed, the total monthly cost for each Target Range homeowner is $2 per $100,000 of the property’s assessed value beginning July 1, 2022. If your property’s assessed value is $200,000, it will cost $4 monthly. If your property’s assessed value is $500,000, it will cost $10 monthly. This levy would allow the school to maintain existing levels of technology in classrooms and for school operations. Learn more here:
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Young girl with computer
Wishing everyone a safe Spring Break. We will see you all back at school on Monday, March 28th!
almost 3 years ago, Megan O'Hern
tiger news