Spruce up your spring wardrobe with new Tiger gear!
Check out the TR Sideline Store from BSN -
Go Tigers!
Don’t forget to order your Target Range yearbook by March 21! Yearbook
----- https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/SelectJob ----- Id Code: 8368422
Find the newest upcoming events in the latest Tiger News! Don't forget-
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 13th- Move your clock forward one hour.
Also Spring Break is coming up fast. No school March 21st-March 25th.
Click here for the latest upcoming events and news! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ2CZreJXLyUAtSoatGD5ynqrVhvfTvzkzv6CokCZ6ihIK4vSpemZC3D1KxOMsDfVH8sP3nbWXTx6eG/pub
We're getting ready to celebrate Reading Week next week! Check out the details and more important dates on this week's Tiger News!
Thank you for your support of the book fair!
Here are the upcoming events for next week! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS_GnNF5_Ai5snqHM8l1FS8Gws8Gqbg5ccX747vVqnO1edE4Z0Hjs0DvwlyXY-PsC_wrRAHgAMPyN-P/pub
DON'T FORGET THE BOOK FAIR THIS WEEK IN THE TR LIBRARY ----- Open for shopping until 7PM WED and THUR. OPEN until 2PM FRI. OR check it out online: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=targetrangeelementaryschool1
CHECK OUT THE BOOK FAIR THIS WEEK IN THE TR LIBRARY ----- open for shopping only during school hours Tuesday. Open for shopping until 7PM WED and THUR. OPEN until 2PM FRI. OR check it out online: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=targetrangeelementaryschool1
Get vaxed, win big ----- the Missoula City-County Health Department and Missoula Education have partnered together to provide incentives for kids age 5-15 getting the COVID-19 vaccine. See this poster for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nqh6ozoag5s4-ahl6du8v5PpYSiiUL1B/view?usp=sharing
Don't forget to check out this week's Tiger News for important information and upcoming events!
EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING AT TARGET RANGE FEB. 25TH -- see the website for more information -- https://www.target.k12.mt.us/article/650873
NEEDED @ Target Range School ----- Part-Time Crossing Guard (7:45-8:30am AND/OR 3:00-3:45pm shifts daily) ----- Part-Time Noon Duty Aide (lunch room and recess supervision, 10:45-1:00pm daily) ----- Part-Time OR Full-Time Custodian ----- Part-Time Paraeducator ----- Substitute Teachers, Paraeducators, Kitchen and Custodial help ------ ***NEW - BONUS FOR SUBSTITUTES AFTER 75 HOURS AT TR *** Call (406) 549-9239 OR Click here to learn more and to apply: https://target.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
Here is the Tiger News update for 2/4/22. Please note that Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon! Details included.
Read the latest Target Range Times, a community newsletter for neighbors of Target Range School: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13qoqOdDi6Db33WyaC4GYDOKACJTVKAyQ/view?usp=sharing
Click here for the latest Tiger News. Have a great weekend!
Here is the latest Tiger News for 1/21/22
Here is the Tiger News for 1/14/22 https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSCFoSWb2a-k206axkfZ8Nx1YPkC89L1Dhw77J7N4_Zn5le-fAZ1LgKAOVXOEc0qUX1PEWZ6dksy8H0/pub
SCHOOL CANCELED TODAY - WEDNESDAY, JAN 12 -- due to unsafe driving conditions. The Montana Highway Patrol has issued a traffic alert due to severe driving conditions asking people not to travel if they do not have to. Thank you.
Check out the latest Tiger News!